Certified HPP member
A lot of my clients work in sustainability. That is not a coincidence but a choice: I like to take part in any initiative that makes this world just a tiny bit better.
That is also why I helped establish Happy Planet Professionals, a CSR brand in the Netherlands for independent professionals.
As an independent professional, I choose to:
travel as little by car as possible. As a matter of fact, I bought a (second hand) e-bike to reduce my car-kilometers
bank with Triodos, a “fair” bank in the Netherlands
send invoices and documents by e-mail only, and print as little as possible
use browser Ecosia, which plants trees for each online search
help my not-so-conscious clients to become more aware of what they can do in terms of the environment, transparency, etc.
consume less and buy second-hand items or trade and share
be transparent as to how I spend my hours (my invoices all include detailed hour sheets)
reduce my rates for non-profit organisations